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celestial object中文

用"celestial object"造句"celestial object" in a sentence"celestial object"怎麼讀


  • 天體


  • Five other celestial objects visible to the naked eye also shift their positions with respect to the stars .
  • The ability of a telescope to distinguish fine detail, or to see celestial objects that are close to each other as separate images, is called resolution .
  • This instrument was mainly used to measure the altitude of a celestial object above the horizon
  • Due to the rotation of the earth , celestial objects rise in the east and set in the west
  • The new sky show " bizarre celestial objects " will take a closer look at these amazing celestial objects
  • 513km s mpc , ie , for a celestial object 1 , 000 , 000 parsec away from us , its recession rate is 513km 1 parsec 3 . 26 light years
    513 km s mpc ,即一個距離我們一百萬秒差距的天體,它的退行速度是每秒513公里一秒差距3 . 26光年。
  • Hero is merely a celestial object that is redder than the extremely red ero . the term hero was coined by a kyoto university astronomer , t . maihara
    原來天文學家早已發現了ero extremely red object ,極紅天體, hero只是比ero更紅而已。
  • The sphere , which was marked with stars , the celestial equator and the ecliptic , was mainly used to show the positions of celestial objects at different times
  • The sphere , which was marked with stars , the celestial equator and the ecliptic , was mainly used to show the positions of celestial objects at different times
  • From hubble s law , we know that measurement of recession rate of celestial objects mostly clusters of galaxies and distances are the pre - requisites for the search of h
    ,先要測量出天體主要是星系團的退行速度和距離。哈勃本人在1929年給出第一個數值: h
  • 更多例句:  1  2  3  4
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